On the fruit and the power of the Holy Spirit

In order to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit, we must first accept 

Jesus as our savior. For without the salvation of Christ, there won't be 

the dwelling of the Holy Spirit in you. At the same time, we need to 

know that the fruit of the Holy Spirit is different from the power of the 

Holy Spirit. Why do we say that? 

1. What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the natural consequence of a 

Christian who has really experienced "Born Again" in his or her own 

life. This is a transformation process by the Holy Spirit starting from 

day one of a Christian life. For example, you would never know what 

love really means unless you first experienced the love of God on the 

cross through Jesus sacrificial acts in this world. When you have 

encounter the love of God, you life will never be the same. you will 

start to share about how God loves you to somebody whom you didn't 

even know at all. This is an act of love and something you can be 

aware of in your life. Yes, this is simple but powerful fruit of love 

from the Holy Spirit within you. Although you may have such an 

experience but still, You may not have the power to heal 

or word of knowledge yet since you were still a new born baby in 

Christ and you knew nothing about the power of God until someday 

that you have experience or being taught about. Of Course, some 

Christian would experience all these from day one but still, not 

all Christian would experience God like that. However, as time goes 

by, you will see your life produce all the characteristics of the fruit in 

life with the help of the Holy Spirit. You will enjoy the fruit of the 

Holy Spirit : love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, 

faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as listed in Galatians 5: 22-23 

and be aware of that someone surround you can observe all these 

characteristic exist in your life and sometimes even without  your own 


2. What does the word "fruit" means in Greek? 

The word “fruit” in Greek actually refers to the natural product of 

a living thing. Paul used “fruit” to show us that is the product of 

the Holy Spirit, who lives inside every believer. The fruit is 

produced by the Spirit, but not by the Christian. Since the Greek 

word is singular, it means that “fruit” is a unified whole, not 

independent characteristics as many people would think of. As 

we grow in Christ, all the characteristics of Jesus will be 

manifested in our lives. Although we may experience that some 

characteristic is stronger than other in our life journey, but we 

will see all the characteristics will be manifested in one way or 

another as time goes by.As physical fruit needs time to grow, the 

fruit of Spirit will not be mature in our lives overnight. It is similar 

as a successful gardener who must battle against weeds before 

one can enjoy the sweet fruit as one desired, we have to 

constantly work to rid our lives of the “weeds” of our old 

sin natures that want to hinderance the work of the Spirit. 

3. Why do we need the power of the Holy Spirit?

If you want to do great things for God, it is not through your own 

strength that you can accomplish anything worthy of Christ. It's 

the power of the Holy Spirit in us, that can makes us from 

something powerless in a extraordinary powerful tool. The Holy 

Spirit empowers us to overcome the our spiritual enemies which 

will always try to block our ways in preaching of the gospel and 

also against God's work in people's lives.Without the power of 

the Holy Spirit ,how can any Christian fight against the spirits of 

darkness as what Paul said in the Ephesians 6:12, we are not 

against the flesh and blood but we are at war with the spiritual 

force of evil in the air. For with the power of the Holy Spirit , we 

can be sure that we can do things we is not out of our own 

ability. That is the reason why we must dwell in the Holy Spirit 

and always make sure that we are being filled with power of The 

Spirit of God.


We need a prayer each and everyday like this : Oh, Holy Spirit! 

Help us to produce your fruit in life and fill us with your power 

daily. empower us to live a fruitful life at all times and lead other 

into your kingdom of light in a regular basis. In Jesus  name I 

pray, amen.
